iPhone is the most valuable cell phone for thieves

iPhone - the most valuable cell phoneNewly released figures by the Wall Street Journal show that in New York City, nearly a fifth of all grand larceny* cases in 2013 involved an Apple product being taken. 18 percent to be precise. The iPhone is the most valuable cell phone to thieves who are also targeting Apples iPads and iPods as they know that reselling these high end devices will yield the highest returns. In total, over 8,000 Apple devices were stolen. Continue reading

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What’s new in iOS7?


What's new in iOS7?iOS7 is here, just about, as the Apple servers seemed to struggle with the record numbers of users trying to download the spanking new operating system. So…. What’s new in iOS7?

It may not be to everyone’s taste and iOS6 still looked pretty stylish but from our point of view here at SMCP headquarters, we like it. We gave Apple a few hours for their servers to settle down before we downloaded and it downloaded and installed pretty fast for us, certainly much faster than iOS6. Continue reading

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