USA smartphone user figures soar – time to get cell phone recycling!

cell phone recyclingNew figures released by the Pew Research Center show that for the first time ever, over half of American adults now own a smartphone. 56% to be precise, that’s a 10% increase on the same survey last year and 21% more than in 2011! With the numbers continually increasing, it means that now more than ever, cell phone recycling is becoming more and more important in the quest to help the environment and save our Earths resources.

The survey was taken with 2252 adults and confirmed many long held theories in regards to cell phone, and smartphone in particular, usage. For example, 6% more men than women own a smartphone and 81% in the younger 25-35 age group now own a smart handset. The lowest age group ownership was, as you might expect, the 65+ group with 18%. Continue reading

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